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Freedom Guaranteed

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

Our annual Love and Joy Ministries conference this year is titled ‘Freedom Guaranteed’ God is a miracle working God and it is His good pleasure to see us free in every area of our lives.

It is God’s desires that we live in fullness of life and fulfil our purpose here on earth.

We have some great speakers lined up along with worship, ministry and prayer.

Please send an email reserve your tickets. Send to

David King Bio

David King is a Director of Kingdom Voice Limited based in Salford and the Strategic Director for

the Gather Movement Nationally.

He is passionate about City Transformation and the role in this of the united Church. He has used

his giftings in Prayer Walking, Mentoring/Advising and Speaking to work with others to see the

Church engage in the strategic transformation of the city where he lives, as well as many other

cities across this country and abroad.

David is Married to Karen and has one daughter Lizzie who is married to John.

Rev. Dr Tani Omideyi

Founder, Senior Pastor and Chair of Love & Joy Ministries Liverpool.

Tani and his wife Modupe started a house group in Liverpool in 1980, the

foundation to what is now Love & Joy Ministries Group which includes Temple

of Praise congregations, Liverpool Lighthouse Ltd, Bright Park and Harmonize

Academy an alternative education establishment for young people. He

stepped down from his role as board chair of the Evangelical Alliance UK in

October 2021 and became a director of Gather Movement (UK) in 2023. He

has a passion to see the fulfilment of the prayer The Lord Jesus taught us to

pray ‘Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven’ and

has spent many years tirelessly shaping LJM and associated charities in

contributing to fulfilling that mandate. Working through Gather Movement and

others, this mission is extended to cities and towns around the UK.


Rob Davies is married to Katharine, and has three children. He's

been Freedom In Christ UK's Executive Director since 2016 and

leads a team of 60+ staff and volunteers to see Jesus’ freedom

embraced by the whole bride of Christ in the UK. He is passionate

about seeing the Church help people from all walks of life – from

every generation, every nation, and no matter what triumphs or

challenges they’ve faced – embrace the freedom Jesus has won for

them, and step into all God has prepared for them.

Rob and Katharine were previously missionaries to Uganda, where they remain actively

involved in a small church and charity. Rob’s held various leadership and voluntary roles in

church and the community, and is currently an Elder at Mortimer West End Chapel. He has

a background in Charity Communications, and holds degrees in Geography and

International Development.

Rob lives near Reading, UK and enjoys sailing, running with his dog Duke, and camping

trips - when he’s not chasing after the kids.

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